Introducing Design Team
“When you buy something made by a person,there is something special there, and you do feel it. The consciousness with which a thing is made is often more important than the thing itself.”
J. Donald Walters
Design Team is driven by the satisfaction that comes from creating beautiful fabrics that enhance interiors and garments, while honouring the hands that made them.
All of the fabrics are designed in-house by Lise Butler, who is as passionate about design as she was when she started out 18 years ago. Equally focussed on sustainability, the company is acutely aware that we live in a world where even design has become wasteful, where new designs on continually created, consumed for a while and then discarded as fashion moves on. |
For this reason Design team strives to find ways to add to or comibine existing designs without having to always create completely new designs or screens. We truly believe that this is where the magic happens, creating HEARTFELT fabrics rather than adding to the noise of bulk production and wasteful design.
The vast majority of fabrics are hand printed, and every single item in the range is hand made by members of an empowerment project.